Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Main Entry: rem·i·nisce
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): rem·i·nisced; rem·i·nisc·ing
Etymology: back-formation from reminiscence
Date: 1829
: to indulge in reminiscence
synonyms see remember
— rem·i·nis·cer \-ˈni-sər\ noun

When Jo got married we went to England... we missed the wedding but had a lot of fun!!! Approx: 2001

The Day I married my sweetheart 11-20-2004

The day Austin became a photograper....

The first time I saw my baby girl January 17, 2007

The day I had "Cabbage Sleeves"
Sometime in 1994 ?

One of the best Christmas' ever 1988

The day i cut my hair after growing it for 4 years!!!

The day before I grew-up August 7, 1997

I don't actually "remember" this day (I'm the one in the suspenders) but without these women I'm not sure how my life would have turned out.

The day I meet my daughter 8-30-2007

Just some good days......


Cherish said...

Awww, it's always so fun to look back.

Unknown said...

awwww... you made me cry... well more or so tear up... I like this post... thanks for sharing...

Shelly said...

I love those cabbage sleeves! Such cute pictures. I love your definition at the beginning too.

susy and martin said...

Fun pictures ... I wish I have old pictures to share. It is always nice to remember the good old days. Love those cabbage sleeves!