Friday, January 1, 2010

Flashback Friday

The first Flashback Friday of the New Year.... so I better make it a good one huh?
How about some inspiration for my weight loss goals this year. It's time to get healthy... I have things to do this year!!!

I'm pretty sure I'll never be this skinny again but one can dream right?

BUT I could stand to be all these skinnys ......

Around 2002. In Ohio. When I took Jacob to meet my family

At Jesse's wedding, April 2004

In London, (obviously) whatever year Ad'z and Jo got married. 2002?

So.... here is my inspiration for my weight loss journey. Wish me luck!


The Reinerts said...

I believe in you! I'm going to try to get a bit fitter too. I mean...I'm not crazy out of shape but it is always a good idea to be healthier than you were the year before! Good luck!!

Jo said...

it was 2003 you were in london. always good to have a goal :o)

Andrea said...

Good luck! I need to get with the program too.

Laura said...

You're a babe, either way. :)